Public Health Corner
June: 2014
National Immunization Awareness month
Hepatitis Awareness Month
CCHER's Mission
The mission of the Center for Community Health, Education & Research Inc (CCHER) is to advocate on behalf of families and their children for public health policies and services that will, over time, have long term benefits for them and the larger community. Our focus is to serve linguistically, culturally and socially challenged new immigrant, underprivileged and underserved residents in the greater Boston and the surrounding communities. We at CCHER believe that residents of a community can play an important role in organizing and advocating for efficient and affordable health care and health related services for their community.
CCHER’s Core Values:
To strive for a comprehensive relationship between community, health, service, education, and research, and as a whole, to address the public health needs of individuals and their families
To recruit committed professionals, particularly women and minority professionals, to collectively invest in health of individuals and their families
To create an environment in which young men and women from different background and community can be encouraged to enter the disciplines of community, public and family health.
To always strive to place our clients in the center of our educational, service, and research initiatives and to create an environment where trust and caring are the daily driving forces.
To strive for research activities and to advocate for testing service models that can benefit or increase the quality of life for members of the community.
To provide support to and to work with public and private health institutions to address public health issues affecting immigrant, underserved and diverse needs of families and their communities.