Public Health Corner
June: 2014
National Immunization Awareness month
Hepatitis Awareness Month

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Jean-Louis, E, Walker, Janine, Piton, Joel, "Drug and Alcohol Use Among Boston’s Haitian Community: A Hidden Problem Unveiled by CCHER’s Enhanced Innovative Case Management, Journal of Drugs & Society" (2000)
Brown, V., Stanton, A., Smereck, G., Gallagher., Jean-Louis, E., Hughes, C., et al.(2000) Lessons Learned in Reducing Barriers to Care: Reflections from the Community Perspective. Journal of Drug s & Society
Melchior, L.,Huba, G., Gallagher,T., Jean-Louis, E., McDonald, S.,et al (2000). Unmet Need and Group Traditionally Underserved Person with HIV: Empirical Models. The Journal of Community Care
Brown, V.B., Huba, G.J., Melchior, Lisa.A., Gallagher, T., Jean-Louis, E., McDonald, S.S., et al (2000). Satisfaction with an Innovative Community and University Clinic Programs for Groups of Traditionally Underserved Individuals with HIV/AIDS: Empirical Model. The Journal of Community Care
Huba, G.J., Melchior, L.A., Smereck, G.A., Brown, V.B., Jean-Louis, E., German, VF., et al (2000).Perceived Barriers to Receiving HIV Services in Group of Traditionally Underserved Individuals: Empirical Model. The Journal of Community Care
Larson, TA., Muday,LM., Melchior, LA.,Panter, AT., Brown, VB., Chase, P., Cherin, D., Gallagher, T., German, VF., Jean-Louis, E., Kapaln, J., et al (2000). Finding the Underserved: Direction for HIV Care and the Future. The Journal of Community Care
Madison, Anna, Jean-Louis, E, "The efficacy of a socio-cultural approach to HIV/AIDS prevention in the Haitian immigrant community" Journal of National Association of Ethnic Studies (2002)
Madison, Anna, Hung, Richard, Jean-Louis, Eustache, "The Boston Haitian HIV Prevention Coalition Formative Evaluation: A Participatory Approach to Community Self-Assessment," Ethnicity and Disease, Vol. 14, No. 3, Supp. 1, p. 20-26, 2004
Metayer, Nesly, Jean-Louis, Eustache, Madison, Anna, "Overcoming Historical and Institutional Distrust: Key Elements in Developing and Sustaining the Community Mobilization Against HIV in the Boston Haitian Community," Ethnicity and Disease, Vol. 14, No. 3, Supp. 1, p. 46-52, 2004.
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Jean-Louis, E, Walker, J, Piton, J. American Public Health Annual Conference. Preliminary Findings of the first three years SPNS-funded project. The Psychosocial Impact of HIV among Haitian HIV consumers. Indianapolis November 2020
Association of Haitian Physicians in the U.S. The role of community-based approach to public health. Chicago July 2020
Jean-Louis, E, Walker, J. Piton, J, Cesar, N Antoine, B. American Public Health Annual Conference. Culturally Competent Psychosocial Educational Counseling for Haitians Living with HIV: Results to date of a Pre and Post Intervention Study Design. Washington, DC November 2020
Jean-Louis, E. American Public Health Annual Conference. The VHE Program: A New Approach in the Education of an Especially Challenging Population November 2020
Jean-Louis, E. AIDS Research. The 11th National HIV/AIDS Update Conference, Treatment Information: Challenges In the Affected Communities. San Francisco, March 2020
Jean-Louis, E. AMFAR AIDS Research. The 11th National HIV/AIDS Update Conference, Listening to the People: Developing Culturally Competent Programs and Services for Communities of Color. San Francisco March 1999
Jean-Louis, E, Walker, J, Piton, J, Antoine, B. Psychosocial Impact of Haitians living with HIV. HRSA. Maryland Spring 2000
Jean-Louis, E, Walker, J. Project CAPAB: Capacity Building Assistance to Prevent AIDS in the Metro Boston Haitian Community. Capacity Building and Leadership Summit., Houston 2001
Jean-Louis, E, Walker, J. Project CAPAB: Lessons Learned, Capacity Building and Leadership Summit Chicago, 2002
Jean-Louis, E, Walker, J. Project CAPAB: Sharing the Boston & New York Experience. Capacity Building and Leadership Summit, New York 2020
Metayer, Nesly, and Neptune, Oswald, "Role and Importance of Media in Health Promotion: The Case of the Haitian Population in HIV Prevention in the Greater Boston Area," New England Conference on Health Disparities, Portland, ME, April,2020
Metayer, Nesly, Cheezum, Rebecca, Jean-Louis, Eustache, "Community Collaboration as Mechanism to Reduce Health Disparities," Poster Presentation, National HIV Prevention Conference, Atlanta, June, 2005.
Cheezum, Rebecca, "Changing Strategies to Address Issues Related to Participant Recruitment for a Community-Based HIV Prevention Program Targeting an Immigrant Population," Oral Presentation, National HIV Prevention Conference, Atlanta, June, 2005.
Veillard, Jonhy and Cheezum, Rebecca, "Essential Components of HIV Prevention Programs Targeting Disenfranchised Youth: Lessons Learned from an HIV Intervention with Haitian Adolescents in Boston," Poster Presentation, National HIV Prevention Conference, Atlanta, June, 2005.
St. Louis, Gemima, Cheezum, Rebecca R., Jean-Louis, Eustache, "HIV Prevention Among Immigrant Haitian Women: Findings from the Metro Boston Haitian REACH 2020 Project," Poster Presentation, National HIV Prevention Conference, Atlanta, June2020
Bastien, Jean Claude, Metayer, Nesly, Paul, Jean-Pierre, Jean-Louis, Eustache, Madison, Anna, "My Health, My Future, I Care: New Haitian Immigrants and HIV Prevention in the Greater Boston Community," Poster Presentation, National HIV Prevention Conference, Atlanta, June,2020
Bonhometre, Carmelle, Paul, Jean-Pierre, "Domestic Violence as an Integrated Component in HIV Prevention among Haitian Men, Women and New Immigrants," Oral Presentation, National HIV Prevention Conference, Atlanta, June, 2020
Metayer, Nesly, Veillard, Jonhy, Paul, Jean-Pierre, "Role and Importance of Media in Health Promotion: The Case of the Haitian Population in HIV Prevention in the Greater Boston Area," Poster Presentation, National HIV Prevention Conference, Atlanta, June, 2020
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