AWARENESS Public Health Corner
June: 2014
National Immunization Awareness month
Hepatitis Awareness Month
REACH US Grants Awards 2011 To Conduct Training
The followings below are community and faith-based organizations in the Metro Boston Haitian community and outside of Boston who are recipients of the 2011 REACH US CCHER grant awards. Each organization will be responsible to build diabetes capacity and bring diabetes awareness to respective community. CCHER and REACH US Steering Committee wants to congratulate all the recipients and we are looking forward to work together with you all as "agents of change" to help us further mobilize the Haitian community around diabetes. The recipients are the followings:
- Church of God Christian Life Center: Dorchester, Massachusetts ($5,000)
- Good Samaritans Compassionate Center: Brockton, Massachusetts($10,000)
- Dorchester Compassionate Center (Church of Nazareen): Mattapan, Massachusetts ($5,000)
- Eglise Evangelique Mont Des Oliviers (Mount of Olives Evangelical Church): Hyde Park, Massachusetts ($10,000)