Public Health Corner
June: 2014
National Immunization Awareness month
Hepatitis Awareness Month

REACH US Haitian Diabetes Action Community Initiative (HDACI) is funded through CDC (Center for Disease Control) under the "REACH US" grant to eliminate disparities in health status experienced by racial and ethnic minority populations. This program is a continuum body of knowledge initiated by sets of projects funded under the original REACH 2010 Coalition.
REACH US Haitian Diabetes Action Community Initiative was created in response to the community survey results. In retrospect, the target="_blank">Metro-Boston Haitian REACH 2010coalition recently repeated the community survey, interviewing 1,000 Haitian households. In a preliminary analysis of this data, 21.9 percent of the respondents stated that diabetes was the most important health concern of the Haitian community. The proximity of diabetes in Haitian families is manifested on the church communities with a lot of cases of diabetes among the old and not so old parishioners.
With no access to quality data, it is difficult to know exactly the burden of Diabetes in the US Haitian community. Diabetes is documented as a major cause of death in the larger black population. Due to lack of adequate data on Haitian populations, CCHER and many Haitian and non-Haitian providers are building local capacity to address the social issues affecting the community at large.
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